3.2. Global Postural Stretching - GPS

3.2. Global Postural Stretching - GPS

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Date: TBA

Starting times:

Friday - 12-8pm

Saturday - 9am-6pm

Sunday  - 8am-5pm

Location: British College of Osteopathic Medicine, BCOM 

Whatever your methods of pre-season conditioning, training, or re-education, it is necessary to place the body part being solicited, into a global posture. To rediscover the efficiency and fluidity of a movement, the GPS allows a perfect linking between the joint, the muscle and their fasciae. These specific postures must be meticulously performed and are adapted to each part of the body. The positions can be used in training and conditioning as well as in pre-season training. They are equally of indubitable efficiency for all re- education programs.

For example, after an accident or an illness, all therapeutic treatment must be completed by a rehabilitation of all activities of daily life, in the personal life; the sporting life; and the professional life.

There are thus four big stages to follow:
- The first is curative; by the surgeon, doctor, osteopath; or chiropractor according to their methodology.
- The second allows the patient to validate the therapeutic action above by analytic auto- normalization exercises such as myofascial stretching, ELDOA, circulatory or respiratory exercises, proprioception exercises, awareness training, etc
- The third stage brings in global postural exercises to give to the patient a general integration back into daily life, and sporting and professional activities. It is these global postural stretches of the trunk; and upper and lower limbs that are included in the program of the advanced personal trainer.
- The fourth stage is the return to normal activities of the individual in question.