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Intelligent Exercise


perfectly blends and combines osteopathic principles and the science of strength and conditioning and applies it to rehabilitation, health management and performance enhancement. Somatraining is designed for exercise professionals and manual therapists to improve their anatomical and biomechanical understanding, while teaching a wide range of analytical exercise techniques and a way of thinking that allows them to deal with complex issues their patients and clients may present.

Level 1 Strength & Conditioning Modules

Segmental Strengthening of the Abdominal Muscles & Thoracic Diaphragm

When we are talking about segmental muscular strengthening of the abs we are talking about various types of movements and ways of strengthening the supra and sub umbilical portions of the rectus abdominis, external and internal oblique muscles, thoracic diaphragm "spiced" with a little transversus abdominis.  More details

Segmental Strengthening of the Muscles of the Lower Limb

There are hundreds of specific exercises, which can solicit the proximal, distal, medial, lateral, middle, superficial or deep portions of each muscle (i.e. proximal psoas or distal tibialis anterior) in the lower extremities. The thorough details that are covered in this class will allow for an understanding of the numerous exercises that target specific areas of the lower limb. More details

Segmental Strengthening of the Muscles of the Upper Limb and Trunk

There are hundreds of specific exercises, which can solicit the proximal, distal, medial, lateral, middle, superficial or deep portions of each muscle (i.e. deltoids, quadratus lumborum) in the upper extremities and trunk. The thorough details that are covered in this class will allow for an understanding of the numerous exercises that target specific areas of the upper limb and the trunk. More details

Global Movement & Gravity Line: The SQUAT

An accurately performed squat is an essential part of a postural correction as well as many back, hip and knee rehab programs. When done incorrectly though, it often creates pain and dysfunction. Learn a new way of squatting applying tensegrity biomechanics. More details

Cardiovascular & Physical Conditioning

It is advisable to increase cardio-vascular and cardio- respiratory capacities. Whether for the beginner, to maintain general conditioning, preparatory training for sports, or to improve the performance of a high caliber athlete, only a program adapted to the individual needs can respond to the specific objective. More details

Level 2 Rehab & Recovery Modules

Circulatory & Respiratory Exercises

The first part of the course focuses on the specific stimulation of the deep veins with targeted exercises to stimulate venous blood flow in an anatomical and physiological sense for each vein of the lower limb. The exercises taught during the second part of this course focuses on the qualitative improvement of respiration and it's aiming at a very precise recruitment of each pulmonary segment. More details

MyoFascial Stretching Level 1

Stretching a muscle is only effective once the "skin", the fascia that covers it is free and functional. Myofascial stretching respect the anatomy and function of each muscle, their aponeuroses, their intrinsic fiber direction and their aponeurotic relationships. Taking all the above into consideration with the introduction of fasciae chains allow for an incredibly effective stretch position.
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ELDOA™ 1 - General

This course has been replaced by the ELDOA™ Level 1-2 combined certification course. More details

Global Postural Stretching

Whatever your methods of pre-season conditioning, training, or re-education, it is necessary to place the body part being solicited, into a global posture. To rediscover the efficiency and fluidity of a movement, the GPS allows a perfect linking between the joint, the muscle and their fasciae. These specific postures must be meticulously performed and are adapted to each part of the body. The positions can be used in training and conditioning as well as in pre-season training. They are equally of indubitable efficiency for all re- education programs. More details

Qualitative and Quantitative Periodization

This course will dive into all aspect of program design and periodisation, the whys and the hows and their physiological reasoning in great details. More details

Level 3 Rehab & Performance Modules

Specific Proprioception & Awareness

The components of joint dysfunction or ligament injury are specific, at a specific location with specific biomechanics, requiring accurate stimulation. This course focuses on biomechanically accurate positional exercises to stimulate the different part of the joint complex for specific stimulation. More details

Strapping for Sport Pathologies

There are many different courses on taping techniques these days but non of them is teaching the strapping of the affected joint or soft tissue in view of the FASCIA and its connections. More details

ELDOA™ 2 - Specific

This module has been replaced by the ELDOA™ Level 3 and Level 4 Certification courses from the ELDOA™ Educational Program

Segmental Strengthening of and normalization with the Transversus Abdominis Muscle

The transversus abdominis is the deepest abdominal muscle. We are all familliar with its function when it comes to deep core activation and stabilisation of the lumbo-sacral spine but little do we know about how to... More details

Myofascial Stretching Level 2 - Clinical application

This seminar discusses more advanced Myofascial Stretching Exercises and allows the application of all the Level 1,2 and 3 information for specific clients and different patient and athlete scenarios. More details